Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 8, 2018

Notice of Bird Spit Soup usage

Bird Spit Soup has been considered a nutritious and precious dish. However, in the processing progress, you could unintentionally lose some nutrition, or you could use wrong methods that make our bodies couldn’t absorb all nutrition of the Bird Spit Soup  . Therefore, we have some notices for you as follows:

How To Clean The Bird Spit Soup  

When defeathering Bird Spit Soup  , don’t dip Bird Spit Soup into hot water because it will be dissolved and lost some substances.
Don’t use any chemicals to clean the Bird Spit Soup but clean water. Some people use wine, cooking oil to clean it. It is unnecessary because some substances or taste will be lost. Clean water is enough.
Don’t dip Bird Spit Soup in water too long (about less than 4 hours). Pick it up when it’s soft.
Notice of Bird Spit Soup usage
Notice of Bird Spit Soup usage

How To Preserve The Bird Spit Soup  

If you don’t use Bird Spit Soup after cleaning, wring it dry then put it into the cool drawer of the fridge. You can keep it in the fridge within a week. If you want to save it longer, dry Bird Spit Soup completely by the fan (don’t dry it in the sun), then put it into a box and keep it in dry place.
It is a nutritious food but it’s not a fairy medicine.
Therefore, don’t keep it for years. Although it can be kept for years if being kept in dry place, it can be lost substances if you keep it too long. Don’t eat mouldy Bird Spit Soup  .

How To Use Bird Spit Soup  

When you should eat Bird Spit Soup is also important. Although there is not any official research, people think that eating Bird Spit Soup before going to bed is the best. Because after sleeping one hour, human’s hormone is very high and if there is any substance from food at that point, it’s really good for us.
You should eatBird Spit Soup regularly to keep healthy. You should eat a small amount of Bird Spit Soup everyday or in some certain days a week instead of eating a large amount sometimes.
The best way to cook Bird Spit Soup is to steam. All substances of Bird Spit Soup will be kept. Whichever dishes you cook, you should steam Bird Spit Soup separately, then mix it into dishes.

Great benefits of Bird Spit Soup with cancer patients

Swallow's nests are effective in treating cancer, increasing the resistance of the patient and improving the quality of life for cancer patients.

1. Cancer in Vietnam

These are real numbers about CANCER IN VIETNAM!
– In Vietnam, the number of new cancers has increased rapidly from 68,000 cases (2000) to 126,000 cases (2010) and is expected to exceed 190,000 cases (2020).
– Each year Vietnam has about 115,000 deaths from cancer, equivalent to 315 people per day.
– WHO ranked Vietnam 78th out of 172 countries topping the world against cancer.
– Most men in Vietnam suffer from untreated cancers such as lung, liver, colorectal and most of them do not have regular medical treatment. About 70% of cases are diagnosed late. Section 3, 4) …
– In females most commonly breast cancer, the rate is still increasing every year. Only cervical cancer is the only type that tends to decrease.

2. What are the benefits of Bird Spit Soup for cancer?

According to research of nutritionists, in the composition of Bird Spit Soup are more than 18 kinds of amino acids, high in protein, the content of vitamins and minerals such as serine, tyrosine, aspartic, phenylalanine … also very high.
_ Patients with cancer when using Bird Spit Soup regularly will help restore cell damage, stimulate the growth of red blood cells, supplement the nutrients and minerals necessary for the body, help the spirit of comfort, Limit the impact of chemicals to the cells heal during treatment. Enhance health and vitality, increase resistance to disease
_ The effect of Bird Spit Soup on cancer is to help stimulate the taste, increase the ability to absorb nutrients. Cancer patients in the process of radiation therapy can not eat normally due to body pain, fatigue so use Bird Spit Soup in this stage is most appropriate, Bird Spit Soup help patients get maximum absorption Essential substances for the body, increase the ability to regenerate cells, increase the resistance of the body. With proper diet and rest, the patient will gradually stabilize.
How to maximize the benefits of Bird Spit Soup for cancer patients?
Swallow’s nests are high in nutrients, provide many nutrients for the body, necessary for patients undergoing cancer treatment, patients after surgery. Helping patients to recover health, but due to high nutrient content if not used properly can lead to excess substance, digestive disorders
Using Salanganes’s ginger as sugar ginger flavor is most suitable for cancer patients. Bird Spit Soup  provide nutrients in combination with fresh ginger that has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to isolate, remove and block the movement of cancer cells in the body.
The formula used
Time of use: early morning before breakfast.
The first 7 days of starting chemotherapy: 1 cup of 100ml daily
The next day, every day ½ cup
The amount of Bird Spit Soup used in a month about 100gr new promotion of the value of the nest with health
Here you have to understand some of the effects of Bird Spit Soup for cancer right? Swallow’s nests have no effect on cancer treatment but it brings health and resistance to help patients have good health foundation to fight against this dangerous disease.

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